Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Audrey, Corry, Kc, PJ, Ryan and a whole lot of other tags which I've read ;D, so here's my attempt:

I AM: a Christ-follower and all the many roles that entails...wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, teacher-mom and so much more.

I SAID: I was housekeeping deficient and that still seems to be the case today.

I WANT: all my family to know Christ's love and the joy of Him walking alongside them.

I WISH: to be a more patient person.

I MISS: my grandparents who've passed away and my friends who are spread across the miles.

I HEAR: loving words of praise, encouragement, strength and love from my husband daily. I hear love, joy, giggles/laughter, jokes and just the simple love of life from my kids.

I WONDER: whether I do enough as a parent and in what ways I can work to be better.

I REGRET: what I put my parents through in my teenage years as I learned the hard lessons of life.

I AM NOT: perfect in any sense of the word...so very far from it.

I DANCE: to the Newsboys, Swirling Eddies and 50's music in the comforts of my basement, with my kids and hubby.

I SING: for enjoyment, fun and worship to God.

I CRY: when I'm sad, lonely, frustrated or overwhelmed and during valleys, for no particular reason, except for the fact of it being very therapeutic.

I AM NOT ALWAYS: happy and joyful like I feel I should be. There are those valleys which bring me to a point which is very much the opposite.

I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: what God allows me to...whether that be pulling my husband and children close to engulf them with huge lovable hugs, music on my piano or guitar, pictures which I draw, photographs which I take or whatever labor of love which might come my way.

I WRITE: through poetry and song...I write out my prayers, my deepest reflections, desires and a lot of times, the things I can't formulate adequately enough with spoken words.

I CONFUSE: people's perceptions of what they think I should be with who God really wants me to be.

I NEED: to learn to say 'no' to some things as easily as I tend to say 'yes'.

I SHOULD: learn to let my guard down and let people in my life easier and sooner than I sometimes do.

I START: things with passion and sometimes a strong quick-start, rigidly focused mindset.

I FINISH: what I've started, because I don't like to quit and once I've committed to do something, I complete it.

I LOVE: God, my husband, my kids, my family and my friends...and I love living life with God in the driver's seat, leading us exactly down the path He wants us to go.

I TAG: no one, but feel free to do this. I sure would be interested :-)


audrey` said...

Thank you so much for responding to our tags, Cinder :)
This is sooooo interesting.

I'm looking forward to my next tag.
Then, may I tag you again?

God bless you, dear sis!

Anonymous said...

you did it too. great! =)

Corry said...

Thanks so much for sharing this, Cinder. You are a remarkable, loving person and such an encouragement. God bless you.

love and hugs,

God's Grace.

Cinder said...

Audrey ~ You're so welcome and yes, if you get tagged again, you can tag me! Blessings to you sis!

Pia ~ Yes, I did it too...it was quite an interesting one to do :D

Corry ~ You're so welcome...you are such an encouragement to me and very remarkable and loving...Blessings to you!

(((HUGS)))...love ya sister!

audrey` said...

Hi Cinder!

Hugs and smiles from me to you =D