Friday, November 24, 2006

Your Love

If there’s no tomorrow,
I know I’ll have you.
You are always with me,
No matter what I do.

Your love is so amazing,
So gracious and free.
You died on Calvary’s cross,
To save a wretch like me.

I know I can’t repay you,
No earthly act comes close.
To the sacrifical love you showed,
As your loving eyes drew closed.

I live to see tomorrow,
Because of your love shown.
I can only pray to heaven,
I’ll make my Savior known.

1 comment:

audrey` said...

Dearest Cinder

Thank you so much for your love, care and concern shown to my family and I.
Your prayer support and words of encouragement are very much appreciated by us.
It's a great joy to receive the very love e-card from you =)
God bless you.

Take care, dear sis.