Friday, February 23, 2007


Well, I thought I would quickly type a note before I get teaching Little Mister. It's been a very interesting time and I have to say thank you for all the comments of blessings, love and encouragement that you have left. It's been very uplifting and even though I might not get around to responding right away, I do really appreciate them...they always seem to come at exactly the perfect time.

I don't want to really go into details with what's been up, but it's been a time of countless antibiotics for me, one kid and then ended off with 'worms' and all that goes with making sure that leaves the building for good.

I received some advice this week from a friend. It made me realize where I have been keeping agreements and where I should be having agreements. I guess most importantly, it spoke to me that I do have friendships out there, even though some days it seems like I'm alone. It spoke how important it is to not go things alone and to have that support. So I'm going to end with it 'cause I think it's a pretty good message to tag with!

"Do not enter into agreement with despair.
It is not pathetic to ask for a cup of water on a hot day."


audrey` said...

Dearest Jay

Thank you so much for your encouragement and words of comfort.

I'll be going to my car insurer tomorrow. I'm leaving the matter to our Lord.

Take care, my dear sister =)

Cinder said...

You are so welcome's the least I could do for the amount of encouragement and words of comfort you send my way!

He will deal with the matter in the way it supposed to be...that's a smart thing to do.

Blessings to you ;D

M. C. Pearson said...

Hey sweetie! Thanks for the birthday greetings. I know about illness...not only have I finally gotten over a three month bout of Pnuemonia, but the entire house has had the flu for a week! Yuk. I'll be praying for you. Good advice there...yep, the most wonderful things can happen when you ask for help!

Corry said...

I so hope you are feeling better!
Great advice and I agree: ask and it shall be given to you.:-)

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend, dear sis.

God's Grace.

Cinder said...

Hey M.C.! You are welcome...I hope it was a really good day. I know it really sucks to battle illness, but I am so glad that you are finally over the pneumonia and I know that the flu will leave as well.

Wonderful things indeed can happen when you ask for help...I still have a huge hurdle with my pride, in order to get to the point of asking for help.

Corry, I know I will eventually be feeling better, at least that's what I'm trying desperately to focus on. Yeah, great advice indeed!

I hope you'll have a wonderful and blessed weekend as well.