The post which I talked about below...I'm not going to write it today, very well might not be tomorrow or this week. But being that I'm at my computer while Little Mister works away on his school work, I thought I would post a little tidbit.
The first thing...I think God has a real interesting sense of humor some days...actually many days. So if you were to think about it...what would your view be on this?
The second thing...the reason why I think God has a real interesting sense of humor. I have been attending a Ladies Bible study and even though I can't go tonight, I read through what will be studied. They are looking at Day 25 of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. I opened the book and this is what I saw...Day 25: Transformed by Trouble.
I laughed out loud and then had to explain to Mr. Cinder what all the laughter was about. It was an awesome thing to read...came at a very good time, on what was a pretty hard day, knowing that today would not be a lot better.
Anyhow, once I get my brain completely wrapped around it, I am planning on writing my reflections in a post. I don't know about you, but sometimes when I read something that hits so close, it takes a while to completely absorb all aspects of what you've taken in. The verse to remember was Romans 8:28, but I really liked Romans 8:26-28 together and all it had to say, so I'll sign off on that note!
"In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us when we are weak. We don't know what we should pray for. But the Spirit himself prays for us. He prays with groans too deep for words. God, who looks into our hearts, knows the mind of the Spirit. And the Spirit prays for God's people just as God wants him to pray.
We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. He appointed them to be saved in keeping with his purpose."
~ Romans 8:26-28(NIRV)
Hey....cinder romans 8:26 that's what I got in my prayer journal.....I don't even know what or how to pray for my blogging friends so that just really makes me feel like I'm praying for you and BH and RG and L and R and and ....
that's so cool!! it's a great verse to claim and to have in your prayer journal.
i think God brings many verses our way for exactly the reason you have stated. we might not always know exactly how to pray for those around us, but by praying through scripture, the Holy Spirit works through us and the requests we bring!
hi, cinder... thinking of you... and thanks for praying.
Thanks for stopping by Pia! I've been thinking of you and will be continuing to pray.
He has the best plans for us.
We just need to continue trusting Him =)
Everything will be perfect in His Time.
Yeah Audrey...His timing is perfect and He does only want the very best for us. Trust is the definite key to the whole situation!
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