~ Marilyn Meberg
I have been home in bed sick for a few days. It's merited me a huge chunk of time to sleep and rest, but also to read and fill my mind, with His word and the words of others. I have a couple of study Bibles which I use. One is a traditional study Bible, with half a page of scripture and half a page of notes. The other is the Women of Faith Study Bible. It has character sketches of different women throughout the Bible, Bible studies intermingled throughout, quotes on some of the pages and on some pages, something specific from them is talked about in the margin.
I came across the above quote today as I was reading. It seemed very timely, considering where God has me reading in other books and because of the sermon heard on Sunday. I'm really hard on myself most days...usually allow those around me slack, but never offer that same grace to myself. I'm beginning the process of looking at that and figuring out where it comes from and then will begin the work of trying to change it.
The last part of this quote just captured my heart. It's such a precious gift...the fact He wants to woo and draw us ever closer to Him. The fact He's always there, cheering us on, encouraging us to do better and never leaving our side, even when we fail miserably. He simply helps us pick up the pieces and continue the journey. I really believe that during those perceived 'failures', that's when we commit to Him at deeper levels. Really, because at that point, it's all Him and none of us.
I wrote this poem a little over a month ago, but never got it posted. This fall has become a time of me taking off the masks...not just taking them off, but somehow smashing them, so that they are unavailable to be picked back up. That always makes for a huge vulnerability and unsteadiness, as you tread into uncharted waters. But it's a beautiful feeling when you begin to see that it is truly the right journey to take. Really, it's the only journey to take, if you want to become more mature in your walk.
At the end of the day, there isn't a lot that really matters, except that we are perfectly created by Him and wholly loved by Him...He's wooing us and wanting desperately for us to draw ever closer and embrace it!
Sometimes we live so long,
With various masks to put on.
That those masks turn from a masquerade,
To life as we know it.
It seemingly seems easier,
To live a life based on wished for perceptions.
Then to embrace the blessings in front of us,
And live the true fullness of life set before us.
Embrace all that comes your way,
Don't shy away from what's yet to come.
You may not be perfect in a world's perception,
But you are created perfectly in His eyes.
hope you're feeling better by now, cinder. happy thanksgiving!
It is hard to embrace all of it... but I'll try.
God bless.
Dearest Jay
Your poem is so beautifully composed.
Yes. You're right.
Jesus is our best friend =)
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