Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Spiritual Attack

Five Times You Can Expect Spiritual Attack

1. When you're growing spiritually

2. When you're invading enemy territory

3. When you're exposing the enemy

4. When you're breaking with the world

5. When you're being prepared for God's blessings

--Adapted from the Invisible War by Chip Ingram

This post is going to be short and sweet, as I'm pretty tired. It's been quite the interesting week at our house, equipped with a early morning visit to the ER, new infection battles and some small glitches in our mandate to go missional. The few months worth of stuff...I truly attribute it to a spiritual attack. I'm finding through this though, that you truly do find out what you are made of , what's driving you and where your feet are firmly planted. I am tending to come out of it stronger, more driven to do God's work and with a better sense of clarity and discernment.

All the attacks in the world will not stop me from doing God's kingdom work, because I am His and He who is in me is GREATER than he who is in the world!


audrey` said...

We're His precious, beloved children :)

Corry said...

Thank you for this great post and reminder.
I hope you will be well soon and I will remember you in my prayers, dear sister!

God's Grace.

Jenny said...


Thank you for sharing this. I hadn't seen it written before, but whenever I am in high-stress times or when 1000 things go wrong all at once, I tend to think along these lines... that it's a Spiritual Attack.

I praise God for your strength and faith in Him. I also pray your trials are soon over.

crazy mom said...

I empathize what you are going through, as we just came home from Celeste being in the hospital since the 12th.
You have wonderful words of encouragement. I will be praying for you and your family.

Nunzia said...

thank you for that and God bless you

Anonymous said...

I love this post. You hit it right on. You will com out of every trial victorious.

polarpegs said...

Hey girl,
I am thinking of you and praying for you. Thank you for being a beacon to me and so many others.


Cinder said...

Oh man, have I ever gotten behind in commenting...thanks for all the comments...I have been reading them when I have a little bit of time!

Audrey ~ Praise God that we are His precious, beloved children...that's a truly amazing gift ;D !

Corry ~ I am feeling a little bit better and Mr. Cinder is feeling a lot better too, after that early morning hospital stay! God bless ;D!

Jayleigh ~ I related completely to this article when I read it and find it to be right on a lot of times. I'm truly humbled at the strength He is bringing to me and I know that the trials will be over in the corrent timing...blessings to you during this time you are experiencing!

Crazy Mom ~ I'm so glad to hear that Celeste is home from the hospital and doing better! I will be lifting you and your family up as well.

Nunzia ~ Thanks so much for stopping by...blessings to you!

Pastor Josh ~ It's so very true that we'll come out of every trial victorious...that's very comforting knowledge to have! God bless ;D !

Peg ~ I've been thinking about you too girl! I'm glad I'm able to be an encouragement to you and others. Hang in there...He has His hand firmly upon your family...blessings to you and yours!
