"Hope you are feeling better. I know you have been struggling with your health. God Bless you all. Know I'm praying for you all...Love you all"
I find it so humbling how God works through those around us. Especially when it might not seem like you've done something all that significant, but simply did something that you felt led to do. Many of you do that through a comment of love left on my blog or an email found in my Inbox.
The note above was waiting for me in my Inbox. The most special thing about this note is because of who it came from. This friend has been battling cancer for a very long time and just portrays a strength and faith, which I'd never seen at that level, until I met her. Those words overwhelmed me, as I've been thinking about them, but due to illness, haven't been able to see them very much at all the last little while.
My friend is a rare gem and a true beauty. His love, grace, strength, endurance and peace pour through them every single day. Their words were like sunshine, a beautiful rose and a smile coming through my computer tonight. Truly precious is this life we are granted the privilege to live. Very complex and yet extremely rewarding.
God has just been truly working through people this weekend. With Corry's timely advice in her comment below, this message received tonight, great advice in this morning's service and so much more.
A few things I walked away from church with today:
~ God values humility, servanthood, courage and risk-taking in us.
~ When you come up against a challenge, the temptation will be to stop...keep moving and unexpected help, strength and blessings will come.
~ Don't expect to hear from God if you remain frozen in one spot. (Bob Gass)
~ The moment we stop going forward is the moment we quit making ourselves available to resources, etc. which might be there for us in the future.
~ Luck happens to those who take a risk...we never know what's out there if we don't take the risk.
~ To fail to prepare is to prepare to fail.
~ Success doesn't always look the way you expect it to.
~ Sometimes the greatest discovery is unknown until the passage of time.
~ Our idea of success is a lot of times very different than God's idea of success.
Well, I guess I gave you a quick overview of the sermon. But really, the person speaking could not have known where I was at, because I haven't really shared a lot with people. It fed me beyond belief and brought me a huge sense of peace...that's always an awesome thing when that can happen. I'm ending off with three scriptures from this morning...this has been a really humbling and awesome day!
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
~James 4:10
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
~Proverbs 16:3
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
~ Isaiah 41:10
God works in mysterious ways, doesn't He?! :-) He gives what's needed, when it's needed.
I think the biggest problem is for us to be willing to accept His guidance and leadership, because, as you already posted,: ~ Our idea of success is a lot of times very different than God's idea of success.
Thank The Lord for all the blessings He has given you and may He continue to do so!
God's Grace.
He truly does work in mysterious ways. I'm trying really hard right now to focus on the blessings and be truly thankful for that, no matter what else is going on.
Blessings and ((HUGS)) to you. You are a huge blessing to me Corry...God's Grace.
Aww...Thank The Lord for using me to be of some help to you :-)
I can so totally understand where you are at. I have been (and sometimes still are) there. The not knowing what to do, being overwhelmed, wanting to quit, just wanting to wait and see what's going to happen or even making things happen myself. Well...if I don't know what to do, I pray about it and wait. The worst thing I can do is making things happen. Forcing ahead has, so far, been proven to make things worse! I sure know I can't quit doing what I know is right, or what He wants me to do. God has a way of showing me when it's time to take a break, manifesting it by me being extremely tired and needing to catch up on sleep. He always provides for me to be able to do that, even when I think I don't have time for that. But all works out and I am refreshed. It's His way of saying:"Stop!".
I am learning to listen to His guidance and be grateful for His provisions. Even though it doesn't "feel" good at times. :-)
It makes me aware however, how many blessings He is giving, to count them, be thankful for them and be humbled by His constant love.
Love you, dear sister! May your day be filled with many blessings and love.
God's Grace.
The warm encouragement and wise advice as written above by my two dear dear sisters are greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
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