I'm really, really tired right now. I could put up some fluffy post right now, but I don't want to. You know, I know God is with me all the time...He's my peace, strength and all I need to get through all things. But right now, this life seems like I've done something wrong and I'm being punished...things just keep coming and they don't let up.
I really can't take it anymore...if that shows a lack of faith, I'm sorry, but it's where I am. How's the saying go? "Survival of the the fittest"...it feels like a continual game of survival...I don't feel very fit to fight anything and I honestly don't want to fight or play anymore. I simply want it to be finished.
must be going around.......HOME starts sounding real good.....
**hugs** and prayers for you that it lets up soon.
yeah, i don't really know what's going on, but i really do need it to let up.
Keep going, Cinder.
I'm still praying for you, my dearest sister.
God knows it all...
thanks Audrey!
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