Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Writing Moods

I really haven't been in a writing mood least in the form which usually takes shape on Cindertales. What to is a "snow day" here in Saskatchewan. The exact reason why I never plant anything before the long weekend and I guess this year, you'd be smart to wait closer to the beginning of June!

Jollybeggar has a really good shortword over at northVUs...made me sit back and take note. As for Cindertales...I've been in a place where I'm listening to a lot of music and so that's what I'm beginning to post more and more music in amongst my blog posts. I'm beginning to do some bible studies about the Women of the Bible, so maybe you'll see some posts on that in the future.

Things are busy, sometimes overwhelming and that doesn't always leave lots of time for a lot of things. I don't like living life stagnant, but chaotic isn't always fun either. So there's that continual learning game of balance. Thankful...that's the mood for the day!


Gigi said...

I too am intrigued by the post but
i would rather be surprised by the ongoing fallenness of a friend
than be lied to anyday.

If we were 'surprised' by the ongoing fallenness wouldn't that mean we had been lied to?? Just curious how you have been thinking about it....

Cinder said...

Hey there bjk! I have actually passed your comment along to Jollybeggar. That little line still has my wheels turning and things coming to mind.

Do you think we can be surprised without being 'lied' to? I don't think people intentionally lie to those around them...maybe sometimes cover something up inadvertantly. Speaking from my experience, it's usually shame driving me to slink back and be closed mouth, but I always thought about that as placing up walls, not necessarily outright lying to people.

I guess I've got a lot of thinking left to do on this one. Thanks for the food for thought!

Anonymous said...

hi cinder! missed ya!

audrey` said...

You're tagged, Jay =)
Have fun!