Sunday, April 13, 2008


My Offering
(by The Longing)

I lay it all down, my dreams and my crowns
Lord, I surrender
I lay it all down, my fear and my doubt
Lord I surrender, Lord I surrender

My heart like never before
My heart like never before
Lord, I wanna give you everything
I wanna give you everything
This is my offering

Give me the strength, enough for today
Lord, I surrender
Show me your way, give me the grace
Lord to surrender, Lord I surrender

All I have, I bring to You
To You, Lord

I have this song on a CD my hubby got from Promise Keepers (well, actually, I looked at the CD as I was registering him on-line and purchased it :D). He likes the CD, but I really knew I would like it as well. Some days I guess I'm a little sneaky...tend to get like that when it comes to music.

Actually while I sit here typing this song is playing on my iPod. It's become like a daily prayer for me. Life has been going at a really insane pace. It's a pace which would usually drive me over the edge, but I've been working to do changes and apparently they seem to be having some effect. Thank you for that one!!

We had two deaths in our family the past three weeks, one funeral last week which I couldn't attend due to distance and one tomorrow that I will attend on behalf of my family, as they won't be able to attend this one. That's been 5 deaths since January (two of my extended family, my friend who lost her battle with cancer, one person I knew from youth group person and a next door neighbour I grew up playing and going to school with)...there tends to come a point when you dread answering the phone in some aspects. Honestly don't know what the voice will say on the other end.

It's brought to the forefront of my mind how important it is to realize we ultimately have no control. Life becomes a different ballgame when that's completely accepted. Some days it's really hard. Some days I feel like there's nothing to even offer up to Him to use, but He simply asks us to bring what we have, surrender it completely and willingly to Him and He'll use it in ways we can't even comprehend!

So as I prepare for this day, and prepare to be with family (most who don't know Him) tomorrow, as they mourn, I simply say to Him, "Here's all of me...I'm bringing it to You...use this offering in the way You see most fitting...I'll listen for what You lead and will follow!"


audrey` said...

Dearest Jay

There is a little surprise for you on my blog.
You rock, Jay =)

audrey` said...

Hi Jay

We're meeting here and there (Facebook) =)
Take care.

Corry said...

I am sorry to hear you had deaths in your family. May God strengthen and comfort y'all with these losses.


God's Grace.