Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Working Minds

"work smart, not hard. there's a motto."

My friend said this to me a while ago and I saved it in my drafts, as it was a pretty powerful word for me to hear. I've been taking that advice the past week. At times I feel a little bit of guilt and have found myself questioning my actions, but at the end of the day and as I see things today, I know my decision-making was correct.

We made the decision to finish school officially at some point last week. We will continue to do work here and there throughout the summer, in preparation for Little Mister to make a smooth transition back into the public school system, but as for clearly defined school days, they are finished. As soon as that decision was made, I felt the hugest weight fall off of my shoulders. I can simply be a mommy again. I can spend my days cleaning house, playing with my kids, vegging, going to work, etc. Even though I'm still battling illness, it seems I am more able to fight than I was a couple of weeks ago. I guess the lifting of weights will do that to a person.

Tasting the peace and feeling the quiet...truly awesome!

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us."
~Hebrews 12:1

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Paul Baloche - All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises

We ended off our Easter service with this song. I hadn't sang it again and was part of the team...it was such an energized song...I love it!

Monday, June 18, 2007

You are GOD alone

Another of my favorites...my goal this week is to simply drink Him in through music, His word and everyone He places along my path!


It's interesting when you begin looking in retrospect at life, that you realize some things. It's not that they weren't evident right in the midst of everything, but at the time, things just felt so overwhelming that it wouldn't have mattered whether or not you could see them clearly, changes might not have been made until now anyways.

Tonight is the first in a month and a half that we don't have to run anyone to soccer. We don't have to juggle three schedules over the span of 4 days, in amongst every day life as well. We've seriously been lacking in the together time department...time as a family, time as a couple and just down time. This was the first year of having to go at that insane pace with three in soccer. I have to admit that we are already questioning whether we will make that choice next year. Just as the people of this world, our kids have vastly different personalities. Different personalities mean trying real hard as a parent to not conform your child to one specific sport, etc.

And school is also winding down for me teaching-wise. With being sick, this teaching year has been extremely hard at times. We've tried our best and Little Mister wants to be in the big school this fall, so we'll be working to prepare, as we feel this will be the best move for both of us. It'll allow me to simply be a mom again and that's huge right now!

I'm looking forward to a week with a lot more downtime, which will hopefully equal a more sane mommy. You know, there's still things there...waiting for lab tests to come back, still waiting to hear from a specialist about an appointment, after 4 months gone by...but not doing them alone, makes them fall into place on the perspective line. Can't change it, but will try my hardest to not let it beat me down either. Some days are easier than others, but that's life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Well being I haven't really been in a writing mood, I completely forgot to post a picture of our newest addition.

This is Gromit, named after the english cartoon Wallace and Gromit. He is 10 weeks old and fitting into our household nicely. He has the most awesome demeanor we could ask for with three kids around, who want to chase, mull and overly love him. He's grown in the week we've had him and is beginning to show a little personality.

Took me a while to be won over about getting a dog, but I love having him around. He's a good cuddler and greets me with the biggest smile and kiss when I've been away from home.

But, I'm signing off now, 'cause it's bedtime up here...blessings!

How R U?

I hate the question, "How R U?" It's gotta rank on my most detestable questions to have to try and answer, especially lately. When you don't even really know how you are, let alone what's wrong...how on earth are you supposed to be able to answer it in a way that people will actually understand it and not think you are just out of it or really weirdly off some deep end somewhere.

I guess you could say that's why I haven't wanted to write on this venue...I guess the truth of the matter is that I feel out of it and don't have a clue how to explain it. The only thing I know is that it causes me to not be able to think straight, formulate words enough to write, let alone want to carry on conversations with people some days. Makes life really difficult and sometimes leaves me wondering about many things.

"Being created in the image of God means that we were created to look like God - not on the outside, but in our character and in our souls." (Point of Grace)

I read this quote yesterday and it kinda stopped me dead in my tracks. I don't see myself in a very good light lately and so I have a hard time believing that my character and soul are looking anything like God. I took a lot of comfort in this quote despite anything else which might have flew through my mind.

I guess right now I'm simply at a point where I want certain things to be completed and out of my life. I want my life to regain some semblance of before, yet keep many aspects of the now and the future. I believe we are put into situations for a time and a purpose. God will use situations to grow us...even though they might seen unbearable and no end in sight, we end up taking a lot from them.

I guess the only answer I can give to the, "How R U?" right now is...I'm doing okay. I'm tired, but hanging in there and attempting to rest in Him.